The application will not be available between 4:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. daily due to system maintenance.
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JCPC Program participants can access this site using their North Carolina Idenity Management (NCID) and password.
NCID is the standard identity management and access service provided to state, local, business, and individual users. NCID provides
a high degree of security and access control to real-time resources.
If you are trying to access this application with an Individual or Business NCID (not State or Local Government), you can manage your account at: If you are trying to access this application with a State or Local Government NCID, you can manage your account at: For specific instructions, please download the User Guide.
Forgot your NCID, Password, or need help?
Contact the ITS Service Desk.The Service Desk is available 24 hours a day (7 x 24 x 365) and can be reached at 919-754-6000 or toll free at 1-800-722-3946. To view all the content on this website, please disable your "pop-up blocker" to make sure all pages open properly. |